Tuesday October 22, 2024

Choose Your References Wisely

Ever wondered how many candidates miss out on a job opportunity because their references provided less than stellar information? One research firm conducted more than 1,000 telephone interviews with senior managers of companies that employed at least twenty people and the results of those interviews revealed 20% of candidates are disqualified due to a reference […]

Medical Bills And Bankruptcies

A recent revealed that 60% of bankruptcies in this country are filed due to overwhelming medical bills. What’s incredible is that of those bankruptcies 75% of the filers have health insurance!  This revelation speaks volumes to those who insist the insurance industry needs no overhaul. Harvard Law School, Harvard Medical School and Ohio University participated […]

Is The Job Market On The Rebound?

Reuters is reporting the American job market increased slightly in November 2009.  Government data reveals the lowest job cuts in nearly two years, since December 2007.  Does this mean we are finally beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel?  Maybe; but it also depends on who you ask.  While the government […]

Everyone Needs to Start From Somewhere

Many people in the job market suffer from the same problem when looking to make a career change or the same problem of perspective at least. Trying to find a good job can be tough, particularly when you don’t have any experience. How are you supposed to find a job when all of the open […]

Changing Your Legal Job

The job market today is extremely dynamic. People are switching from one job to another quite frequently. While there are many factors behind it, one major factor can be the volatility of the job market. Insecurity in the jobs had led the people to change their jobs frequently. An associate or attorney must consider important […]